
Investor Relations Policy


1.1This Investor Relations Policy outlines the principles and practices adopted by Far East Orchard Limited (the “Company”) in the course of its investor relations activities, in compliance with the relevant regulations and recommended practices. The practices are designed to provide its shareholders and the investment community fair access to accurate, comprehensive and timely information.

1.2This policy is subject to regular review by senior management and the Board to ensure its effectiveness.

Communications Guidelines

2.1 The Company is committed to making timely, full and accurate disclosures in accordance with the listing rules (“Listing Rules”) of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”) and the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2018.

2.2 The Company will use clear and succinct language in its communication with its shareholders and the investment community.

2.3 The Company endeavours to provide a consistent level of disclosure on both positive and negative developments.

2.4 All disclosures, including announcements, press releases and presentations, are submitted to the SGX-ST through SGXNET, and are updated on the Company’s website, www.fareastorchard.com.sg, as soon as practicable.

2.5 Unpublished material information is not selectively disclosed. In the event that it is determined that unpublished material information may have been disclosed inadvertently to a selected group, the Company will publicly disseminate such information as promptly as possible, through SGXNET and the Company’s website.

2.6 The Company does not disclose classified information that may impact its competitive position in the market.

2.7 The Company does not provide forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, financial forecasts.

2.8 The Company does not comment on share price movement or fluctuations in share trading volumes.

Responding to Market Rumours

3.1 The Company does not respond to market rumours or speculation, unless such publicly circulated information is likely to have or has had, an effect on its share price, or would be likely to have a bearing on investment decisions, then it would be promptly clarified by the Company via announcements released to the SGX-ST through SGXNET to avoid unnecessary speculation.

Authorised Spokespersons

4.1 The Company communicates only through its designated Company spokespersons.

4.2 Employees (other than the designated Company spokespersons) are not permitted to respond to enquiries from the investment community, unless specifically authorised by the designated Company spokespersons. Employees shall channel all inquiries to the Investor Relations team.

Communication with Shareholders and Investment Community

5.1 Shareholders’ Meetings

5.1.1 Shareholders are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting. Members of the Board, senior management and the Company's external auditors will be present to answer questions relevant to the meeting. The Group Chief Executive Officer will also present the performance and strategies of the Company.

5.2 Annual Report and Sustainability Report

5.2.1 The Company publishes an annual report, providing a comprehensive and consistent overview of its financial and operational performance, business developments, strategies and market outlook.

5.2.2 Since FY 2017, the Company publishes an annual sustainability report, describing its sustainability practices, in compliance with SGX-ST Listing Rules 711A and 711B.

5.3 Corporate Website

5.3.1 The Company uses its website, www.fareastorchard.com.sg, as a primary channel for communication.

5.3.2 The Company maintains a dedicated investor relations section on its corporate website which serves as a repository for shareholders and the investment community, ensuring that they can easily access relevant and up-to-date information about the Company. It includes the Company’s latest announcements, financial results, annual reports, sustainability reports, stock information and investor relations contacts

5.3.3 Members of the public may also subscribe to RSS feeds of all announcements and press releases issued by the Company through its website.

5.4 Half-Yearly Results Announcements

5.4.1 The Company announces its financial statements on a half-yearly basis within the mandatory time periods to provide shareholders and the investment community with a balanced and understandable assessment of the Company’s performance, position and prospects.

5.4.2 A blackout period of one month before the announcement of the Company’s half-year and full year financial statements is observed. During this period, the Company has limited interactions with investors and analysts and avoids commenting on financial results, business performance and market outlook, except where required under the Listing Rules.

5.5 Meetings with Analysts and Media

5.5.1 The Company will give reasonable access to analysts and the media to help them formulate informed opinions of the Company, but will not seek to influence those opinions.

5.5.2 The Company does not comment on analyst reports but may point out factual inaccuracies.

5.6 Shareholder Enquiries

5.6.1 Shareholders may email their questions to the Investor Relations Team at ir@fareastorchard.com.sg and have their queries addressed accordingly.

Shareholders’ Privacy

6.1 The Company recognises the importance of shareholders’ privacy and will not disclose shareholders’ information without their consent unless it is required by law.

Publication of Policy

7.1 This policy is available on the Company’s corporate website. Any queries regarding this policy may be addressed to ir@fareastorchard.com.sg.