6 Eu Tong Sen Street
#04-28 The Central
Singapore 059817
Tel: +65 6830 6599
General Enquiry
General Enquiry - Shareholders
General Enquiry - Corporate Secretary
General Enquiry - CEO
General Enquiry - Lead Independent Director
Singapore Properties
Singapore: +65 6534 8000
Toll Free Hotline (China): 400 120 4882
Toll Free Hotline (Indonesia): 007 803 651 0057
Email: telesales@fareast.com.sg
Singapore: +65 6223 5223
Office Space and Medical Suites: +65 6235 2433
Email: teleleasing@fareast.com
For Hotel Reservation
Singapore: +65 6881 8888
Australia: +61 2 9356 5062
New Zealand: 0800 101 100
Email: reseasy@fareast.com / reservations@tfehotels.com
Toll-free Hotline (Hotels)
Singapore: 1800 737 3279
Australia: 13 8642
Malaysia: 1800 806 615
Indonesia: 001 803 657 106
For Serviced Residence Reservation
Tel: +65 6428 8600
Fax: +65 6438 7128
Email: reservations@fareast.com
United Kingdom
Enquiries: +44 0191 484 0110
Email: enquiries@abodusstudents.com
The Company’s whistle-blowing policy provides employees and external parties (who have business relationships with the Group) with an avenue to raise concerns in good faith, on a confidential basis without fear of reprisals.
The available communication channels to report any improprieties resulting in fraud, corruption, collusion with suppliers/contractors, conflict of interest, unsafe work practices, serious breaches of Group policies or violation of business ethics, are:
Tel: +65 6705 7195 (9.00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. You may leave a voicemail outside these hours)
Email: FEOR@rsmsingapore.sg
6 Eu Tong Sen Street
#04-28 The Central
Singapore 059817
Tel: +65 6830 6599
General Enquiry
General Enquiry - Corporate Secretary
General Enquiry - CEO
General Enquiry - Lead Independent Director
Singapore Properties
Singapore: +65 6534 8000
Toll Free Hotline (China): 400 120 4882
Toll Free Hotline (Indonesia): 007 803 651 0057
Email: telesales@fareast.com.sg
Singapore: +65 6223 5223
Office Space and Medical Suites: +65 6235 2433
Email: teleleasing@fareast.com
United Kingdom
Enquiries: +44 0191 484 0110
Email: enquiries@abodusstudents.com
For Hotel Reservation
Singapore: +65 6881 8888
Australia: +61 2 9356 5062
New Zealand: 0800 101 100
Email: reseasy@fareast.com.sg / reservations@tfehotels.com
Toll-free Hotline (Hotels)
Singapore: 1800 737 3279
Australia: 13 8642
Malaysia: 1800 806 615
Indonesia: 001 803 657 106
For Serviced Residence Reservation
Tel: +65 6428 8600
Fax: +65 6438 7128
Email: reservations@fareast.com.sg
The Company’s whistle-blowing policy provides employees and external parties (who have business relationships with the Group) with an avenue to raise concerns in good faith, on a confidential basis without fear of reprisals.
The available communication channels to report any improprieties resulting in fraud, corruption, collusion with suppliers/contractors, conflict of interest, unsafe work practices, serious breaches of Group policies or violation of business ethics, are:
Tel: +65 6705 7195 (9.00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. You may leave a voicemail outside these hours)
Email: FEOR@rsmsingapore.sg